
How To Clean Corrosion Off Battery Pole

How to Make clean Battery Terminals with Stuff You Already Accept

  • Jan 7,2018

How to Clean Battery Terminals with Stuff You Already Have How to Clean Battery Terminals with Stuff You Already Have

You wash, wax, and vacuum your motorcar to keep it looking sharp. But have you ever considered cleaning things under the hood? Past cleaning your bombardment terminals, y'all tin can actually help the car battery perform stronger, longer! We'll show you how to clean the terminals and assistance preclude car battery corrosion in but FIVE steps – with materials you probably already have at home!


  • Protective gloves, like dish gloves
  • Baking soda
  • H2o
  • Old toothbrush
  • Rag
  • Petroleum jelly

Pace ane: Mix up your bootleg battery cleaner.

The recipe is elementary. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda into one cup of h2o, and stir it together until it'southward thoroughly mixed.

Step 2: Undo the cables from the battery and inspect it.

Make sure your engine is off. Popular open your hood and remove the negative battery cablevision commencement. Then the positive cable attached to your battery. Some batteries may exist in the trunk or under a seat. (Turn to your owner'southward manual for more data.) And so, assess your battery. Buildup, bombardment corrosion, and grime on the terminals tin greatly bear upon your engine and bombardment performance. If yous notice that the bombardment case is leaking, bloated, or bloated, skip the cleaning and head directly to your nearest Firestone Complete Auto Care for a new battery. Yours is on its way out!

Step three: Dip a toothbrush in your cleaner and start scrubbing!

Catch an quondam toothbrush, dip it in your baking soda cleaner, and start scrubbing the terminals. This will take a picayune fleck of elbow grease and you'll need to continuously clean off the toothbrush every bit yous piece of work. Clean the terminals thoroughly, until all of the buildup has been removed. Do not put the toothbrush back in the bathroom!

Step 4: Rinse off the residue with water and dry out.

Afterwards you've removed all of the corrosion and dirt from the terminals, give the battery a quick rinse. Fill up a spray canteen with a bit of h2o and spray down the terminals. If you don't have a spray canteen, y'all can too wipe everything downwardly with a clammy rag. And so, use another rag to dry the terminals completely.

Stride 5: Rub petroleum jelly onto the terminals and reattach the cables.

In one case the terminals are dry, dab a chip of petroleum jelly onto them. This will lubricate them, assist prevent further corrosion, and help strengthen the connection. Reattach the positive and negative cables, and yous're all prepare! Be careful, as well much petroleum jelly can cause a poor connectedness.

Keeping your auto battery clean can help go things moving when your car won't start and bombardment flow is weak. Staying on top of your battery'south accuse is crucial to avoid getting stranded. Stop past your nearest Firestone Consummate Auto Intendance for a bombardment examination at your convenience! Our technicians will let you know just how much "life" is left in your bombardment, so you can hit the route with peace of heed – and a new battery, if necessary!



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